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2nd printing of Distinctively Dionysian’s Early Winter issue, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire’

Bonsoir, nocturnal creatures, eternal amis of the black flag,

An update: the second printing of Distinctively Dionysian’s Late Fall/Early Winter issue is now complete. We hadn’t anticipated the first run vanishing so quickly—merci infiniment for your enthusiasm.

So, forgive the slight delay in responding to the last two weeks’ delightful letters et inquiries; we wanted to be sure the newest issue would accompany those replies. Forward we go, both issues et billets doux are in the post today.

Delighted that so many of the new Dionysian subscribers have discovered us via le bouche-à-oreille—friends, artfully placed cards, et the like. Your letters, charmants et divins, continue to enchant.

Ah, one more thing! We seized the occasion to print multiple batches of all of 2024’s issues et most of the Bacchus Edition‘s zines. (The Annie LeBrun softcover book will go for it’s second printing soon.)  If you missed an earlier Distinctively Dionysian issue, consider this your rendez-vous to catch up.

Santé et poésie, toujours!

As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange.  If outside of the U.S., factor the shipping cost yourself  for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to: (Si vous êtes en dehors des États-Unis, ajoutez vous-même les frais de port pour un livret épais) et envoyez 15 $ par numéro, PLUS les frais de port, à): 
Distinctively Dionysian P.O. BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona