Catching up to mail, printing Late Fall/Early Winter Issue -Un Petit Update, Pour Nos Chers Insurgés

Mon cher monde sauvage,
The whirlwind of ink, thoughts, et ferocious wildness pouring into the P.O. box these past two months has been an absolute délice. Each time it is unlocked, there’s a flood of anarchists et wild things—sending their stories, zines, sketches, photographs, their books, their amour fou. Tokens of love and madness. Physical proof that connection au-delà du cybernétique is alive, thriving, et perhaps louder than ever.
Some of you send along un petit peu d’argent, covering not just your zines but gifting others, et others send art crafted in fire: manifestos, journals, flyers, words of defiance so rich. Your creativity is a preuve éclatante that the anarchic spirit cannot, will not, be tamed. And oh, the artwork—paintings, illustrations, photographs that defy description, each whispering, “I am out here, too! Let’s be wildcats together!” ;) Every piece makes me blush, grin, et want to linger. Rebellion is always better with a touch of the sensuous.
But I digress—revenons à nos moutons. Let’s get to the update: the Late Fall/Early Winter issue of Distinctively Dionysian, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: The Winter of Me, the Edition of Extremes’ is complete and printing. It’s a jewel, glimmering with egoist decadence, iconoclastic passion, et all, the whispers and roars of the wild. C’est un rêve rebelle.
As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange. If outside of the US, factor the shipping cost yourself for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to : Distinctively Dionysian c/o Fiona, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

As mentioned, the Late Fall/Early Winter issue of Distinctively Dionysian, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: The Winter of Me, the Edition of Extremes’ is complete and printing. This Early Fall/Winter issue is thematically linked with the next issue, so part one of two issues focusing on so-called madness et hysteria, and “extremes” (up for interpretation- yours truly’s direction with “extremes” is ice-cold truths et beauty, always beauty.. other’s here have quite a different take – you choose!)
Submissions for the second issue are open. This next one is for the true enfants terribles. As always, a love letter to those who refused to conform, who chose the sublime over the sane.
*While Distinctively Dionysian remains egoist-informed and individualist, no isms are found here: anarchists, iconoclasts, and free-spirited wild-things bursting forth from the creative nothing are all encouraged to add their voices. Bring your most daring, your most untamed..!
Alors, mes amis rebelles, keep writing, keep creating, keep pouring your beautiful defiance into envelopes et mailboxes, but mostly in the world around you, untethered et always unrepentant.
XXOO Yours, Egoistically
~ Fíona