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Anarchists on Luigi Mangione, an update

Bonsoir, amis. The Bacchus Editions callout for Luigi Mangione writings et art grew larger than anticipated. All incredibly fiery! Since we have already bound a 1st edition & laid the 2nd, and there is more contributions in the poste today, we will now combine them all into one larger “pocketbook” style booklet. Today, the English version of the 1st printing run joins the French, German & Italian issues. See more in the previous post on how to get those.

Since many are asking, oui, since we are combining all of the editions now, there is still time to send in your writings et art, if you desire …

Psst: when sending your thoughts in, do note if you wish to remain anonymous (the default, unless you say otherwise. For example, yours truly, Ron, David, Wolfi, Jason, etc. are authored as such, others choose ‘anonymous’ or “danger,” or their distro name, etc.)


Risograph tune up, new pocketbook sized zines & the Other Luigi ;)

Bonsoir, Ami’s. New Year, new trouble making.  The risograph that brought you Enemy Combatant Publications is all tuned up with fresh new ink… just in time for the new year. 🎉

Care to contribute your thoughts on the CEO Adjuster? You can physically mail in your writing OR email bacchus editions (or dionysian). We are treating this like something of an APA, all writers and artists that contribute will receive this pocketbook collection. They will be printed in French, English, German, and Italian. For a brilliantly explosive New Year!
For the Galleanisti,



Bacchus Editions callout for submissions; topic: Luigi Mangione

Submissions call out

Bonsoir, amis. After sending a Luigi/Propaganda of the Deed-focused writing to some friends (an article being laid in Dionysian’s midwinter issue), several replied with their own Mangione thoughts, writings, poems, et art. The collectionfilled with wildly different thoughts from various anarchs/surrealists that many of you adoreis quite large now and demands its own zine. So we shall.

Wish to contribute a verse to what promises to be a very interesting one-off booklet? Lovely. Send your highly engaging Mangione / propaganda of the deed-focused contribution by e-mail to: yours truly (Fíona) OR via post to:

Distinctively Dionysian
c/o  Fíona & Apio,
PO Box BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

Contributions should be sent by mid-January.

Note: Dionysian subscribers- this lovely lilac zine will be tucked into the midwinter issue, Électronique Mécatronique: She vs. Machine’.  All others… let’s treat this like an APA, oui? Indeed. All contributors will receive the zine via mail after Dionysian’s midwinter issue is sent out. This zine will be published in French, Italian, English, et German. Do let me know your language preference. x

I hope the season is being kind to you. We are all wind storms and downpours on the sea~! Reminder: should any Dionysian be in need…please do not hesitate.

XX Yours,


Après avoir envoyé un texte centré sur Luigi/la Propagande par le Fait à

certains amis (un article qui sera publié dans le numéro d’hiver de Dionysian), plusieurs ont répondu avec leurs propres réflexions, écrits, poèmes et œuvres sur Mangione. Cette collection — remplie de pensées très diverses provenant d’anarchistes et de surréalistes que beaucoup d’entre vous adorent — est désormais tellement vaste qu’elle mérite son propre zine. Alors, lançons-le.

Souhaitez-vous contribuer un vers à ce qui promet d’être un livret unique et très intéressant ? Parfait. Envoyez votre contribution captivante sur Mangione/la propagande par le fait par e-mail à : votre servante (Fíona) OU par courrier à :

Distinctively Dionysian
c/o Fíona & Apio,
PO Box 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

Les contributions doivent être envoyées avant la mi-janvier.

Note : Pour les abonnés de Dionysian — ce charmant zine lilas sera glissé dans le numéro d’hiver, Électronique Mécatronique : She vs. Machine. Tous les autres… traitons cela comme un APA, non ? En effet. Tous les contributeurs recevront le zine par courrier après l’envoi du numéro d’hiver de Dionysian. Ce zine sera publié en français, italien, anglais et allemand. Faites-moi savoir votre préférence linguistique. x

J’espère que la saison est clémente avec vous. Nous sommes toutes et tous des tempêtes de vent et des averses sur la mer~ !

Rappel : Si un abonné de Dionysian est dans le besoin… n’hésitez surtout pas.


2nd printing of Distinctively Dionysian’s Early Winter issue, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire’

Bonsoir, nocturnal creatures, eternal amis of the black flag,

An update: the second printing of Distinctively Dionysian’s Late Fall/Early Winter issue is now complete. We hadn’t anticipated the first run vanishing so quickly—merci infiniment for your enthusiasm.

So, forgive the slight delay in responding to the last two weeks’ delightful letters et inquiries; we wanted to be sure the newest issue would accompany those replies. Forward we go, both issues et billets doux are in the post today.

Delighted that so many of the new Dionysian subscribers have discovered us via le bouche-à-oreille—friends, artfully placed cards, et the like. Your letters, charmants et divins, continue to enchant.

Ah, one more thing! We seized the occasion to print multiple batches of all of 2024’s issues et most of the Bacchus Edition‘s zines. (The Annie LeBrun softcover book will go for it’s second printing soon.)  If you missed an earlier Distinctively Dionysian issue, consider this your rendez-vous to catch up.

Santé et poésie, toujours!

As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange.  If outside of the U.S., factor the shipping cost yourself  for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to: (Si vous êtes en dehors des États-Unis, ajoutez vous-même les frais de port pour un livret épais) et envoyez 15 $ par numéro, PLUS les frais de port, à): 
Distinctively Dionysian P.O. BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona




Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: Late Fall/Early Winter issue is now here.

As mentioned, the Late Fall/Early Winter issue of Distinctively Dionysian, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: The Winter of Me, the Edition of Extremes’ is complete. The Early Fall/Winter issue is thematically linked with the next issue, so part one of two issues focusing on so-called madness et hysteria, and “extremes” (up for interpretation- yours truly’s direction with “extremes” is ice-cold truths et beauty, always beauty.. other’s here have quite a different take – you choose!)

Submissions for the second issue are open. This next one is for the true enfants terribles. As always, a love letter to those who refused to conform, who chose the sublime over the sane.

 Distinctively Dionysian is an egoist-informed individualist journal, no isms are found here: anarchists, iconoclasts, and free-spirited wild-things bursting forth from the creative nothing are all encouraged to add a voice. Bring your most daring, your most untamed..!

Alors, mes amis rebelles, keep writing, keep creating, keep pouring your beautiful defiance into envelopes and mailboxes, but mostly in the world around you, untethered et always unrepentant.

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona

As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange.  If outside of the US, factor the shipping cost yourself for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to Distinctively Dionysian c/o Fiona, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103


Catching up to mail, printing Late Fall/Early Winter Issue -Un Petit Update, Pour Nos Chers Insurgés

Mail stack

Mon cher monde sauvage,

The whirlwind of ink, thoughts, et ferocious wildness pouring into the P.O. box these past two months has been an absolute délice. Each time it is unlocked, there’s a flood of anarchists et wild things—sending their stories, zines, sketches, photographs, their books, their amour fou. Tokens of love and madness. Physical proof that connection au-delà du cybernétique is alive, thriving, et perhaps louder than ever.

Some of you send along un petit peu d’argent, covering not just your zines but gifting others, et others send art crafted in fire: manifestos, journals, flyers, words of defiance so rich. Your creativity is a preuve éclatante that the anarchic spirit cannot, will not, be tamed. And oh, the artwork—paintings, illustrations, photographs that defy description, each whispering, “I am out here, too! Let’s be wildcats together!” ;) Every piece makes me blush, grin, et want to linger. Rebellion is always better with a touch of the sensuous.

But I digress—revenons à nos moutons. Let’s get to the update: the Late Fall/Early Winter issue of Distinctively Dionysian, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: The Winter of Me, the Edition of Extremes’ is complete and printing. It’s a jewel, glimmering with egoist decadence, iconoclastic passion, et all, the whispers and roars of the wild. C’est un rêve rebelle.

As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange.  If outside of the US, factor the shipping cost yourself for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to Distinctively Dionysian c/o Fiona, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

As mentioned, the Late Fall/Early Winter issue of Distinctively Dionysian, ‘Veins of Ice, Heart of Fire: The Winter of Me, the Edition of Extremes’ is complete and printing. This Early Fall/Winter issue is thematically linked with the next issue, so part one of two issues focusing on so-called madness et hysteria, and “extremes” (up for interpretation- yours truly’s direction with “extremes” is ice-cold truths et beauty, always beauty.. other’s here have quite a different take – you choose!)

Submissions for the second issue are open. This next one is for the true enfants terribles. As always, a love letter to those who refused to conform, who chose the sublime over the sane.

*While Distinctively Dionysian remains egoist-informed and individualist, no isms are found here: anarchists, iconoclasts, and free-spirited wild-things bursting forth from the creative nothing are all encouraged to add their voices. Bring your most daring, your most untamed..!

Alors, mes amis rebelles, keep writing, keep creating, keep pouring your beautiful defiance into envelopes et mailboxes, but mostly in the world around you, untethered et always unrepentant.

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona

Halloween 2024 issue of Distinctively Dionysian, available

Bonsoir, lovelies. Yesterday, on Max Stirner’s birthday, we finished printing the first round of Distinctively Dionysian’s Halloween issue. Inside the spooker edition, you will find mischief, mayhem, the macabre, Mallarmé, German Expressionist Cinema et Theatre, and a riot of Cabaret magic, with new writings, anarchic troublemaking, and more. The Halloween issue, with its fluorescent orange cover, was much too fun to create and lay out. It is one of our favorites, indeed.

As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange.  If outside of the US, factor the shipping cost yourself for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to:  Distinctively Dionysian c/o Fiona, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103 Larger packages should be sent to: Distinctively Dionysian, 750 Commercial St. Box #1332, Astoria, OR, 97103

For our subscribers who have prepaid for several issues, your latest playful issue is on the way!

Have a devilishly mischievous Halloween, darkling ones

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona




Otto Gross: Psychoanalytic Anarchy, Erased Genius

This Introduction to Otto Gross is a companion zine to the “Persona Non-Grata” and “Resurrecting Legacy” columns in Distinctively Dionysian. In this issue, weOtto Gross Zine uncover Gross’s intellectual legacy and explore the tragedy of his erasure from history.

L’oubli délibéré—the deliberate forgetting of Otto Gross—is an intellectual injustice that demands rectification. Like Max Stirner, Gross’s radical ideas were buried by the powers that be deemed too dangerous or too truthful. Pathologized et labeled mentally unstable, Otto Gross was very purposely cast aside, his contributions to psychoanalysis and anarchist thought erased and largely forgotten.

Stirner’s direct influence on Gross has been neglected by academia and researchers alike. This zine series compiles over ten years of Otto Gross scholarship, presented in six volumes—a vital addition to the Distinctively Dionysian columns on Gross. ‘Erased Genius’ is the first issue of this edition, setting the stage for dthe eeper explorations of his work, his anarchistic rebellion, and the impact Max Stirner et Nietzsche had on Otto Gross.

Table of Contents, Otto Gross Zine

XXOO Yours, Egoistically

~ Fíona


$8 or exchange, on the basis of mutuality:
Distinctively Dionysian
PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103.

Cette Introduction à Otto Gross sert de zine compagnon aux colonnes “Persona Non-Grata” dans Distinctively Dionysian. Dans ce numéro, nous commençons à dévoiler l’héritage intellectuel de Gross et à explorer la tragédie de son effacement de l’histoire.

L’oubli délibéré d’Otto Gross est une injustice intellectuelle qui exige réparation. Comme Max Stirner, les idées radicales de Gross ont été enterrées par les pouvoirs en place, jugées trop dangereuses ou trop véridiques. Pathologisé et étiqueté comme mentalement instable, Otto Gross a été mis de côté, et ses contributions à la psychanalyse et à l’anarchisme sont en grande partie oubliées.

L’influence de Stirner sur Gross a été négligée par les universitaires et les chercheurs. Cette série de zines compile plus de dix ans d’études sur Otto Gross, présentée en six volumes — un ajout essentiel aux colonnes de Distinctively Dionysian consacrées à Gross. Ce premier zine pose les bases d’une exploration plus profonde de son œuvre.

Pour obtenir un exemplaire, envoyez 8$ US à Distinctively Dionysian, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103.








Distinctively Dionysian is back, with no hiatus pending.

Bonjour! Distinctively Dionysian has returned from hiatus.

What have we been up to? Oh, this et that! Life et death, play et travel, vagabondage et pitching tents around the globe… etc. Onward!

Relevant things to know:

  • Our printing capacity has expanded.
  • The Dionysian PO has changed. 
  • We have created a mound of ferocious, exciting, and fun broadsheets, zines, etc., written by Individualists, anarchs, Egoists, and all sorts of other troublemakers
  • We have translated many more writings previously unavailable in English (Certains écrits jamais traduits en français auparavant, aussi), including Enrico Arrigoni’s known writings (Frank Brand), all that is believed to exist of Bruno Filippi, Renzo Novatore, Salomo Friedlaender, et much more. (We will get to uploading previews, sharing on social media, etc.)

What should you do?

  • Kiss yourself!
  • Send for issues. Distinctively Dionysian is $15 /issue (cash only) or on the basis of mutuality.

The latest issue (Summer ’24, ” l’édition luciférienne : lucifer le porteur de lumière”) is what you will receive unless you indicate otherwise. All other available issues will be listed in the sidebar. You may request them via po.

*We like to include extras inside the journal.  Inserts include a “grab bag” selection of delicious writings, like, Wolfi Landstreicher’s (My Own, new broadsheets, several new writings), Renzo Novatore’s, Bacchus Edition postcards et lithographs, various Fiona zines, Enemy Combatant booklets, etc. *If you see “inserts” mentioned in social media that you wish to have in your issue, just send a note to us at the PO below & let us know.

Finally, here is the new PO.

Distinctively Dionysian 
PO Box 1332
Astoria, Oregon, USA

Contact remains distinctively_dionysian(at)riseup(dot)net

So very nice to see you again. Back to making things for the great big creative nothing!

En avant! 🔥