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Bacchus Editions submissions,Luigi Mangione

Submissions call out

  Bonsoir, amis. After sending a Luigi/Propaganda of the Deed-focused writing to some friends (an article being laid in Dionysian’s midwinter issue), several replied with their own Mangione thoughts, writings, poems, et art. This, now large, collection is filled with wildly different thoughts from various anarchs/surrealists/artists so it demands its own series vs just a one off zine. So that is what we have done.

Wish to contribute a verse? Send your highly engaging Mangione / propaganda of the deed-focused writing, art via post or email, though we prefer physical mail, I understand that’s challenging for some rural beloveds.

e-mail : yours truly (Fíona) OR :

Distinctively Dionysian
c/o  Bacchus Editions/Luigi
PO Box BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103

Contributions are ongoing so the deadline has been removed.

XX Yours,
