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Category Archives: Fiona

New special issue of Distinctively Dionysian: Egoïste Exégèse

  Bonjour, amis. Apologies for the lack of updates in this space—je suis occupée! Been translating like crazy, finishing my book, getting our private press off the ground (new presses et vintage machines, yay!), and building a site, alongside all the printing and mailing. (Whew! I’m not sure what happened, but we’ve gained a wave […]

Catching up to mail, printing Late Fall/Early Winter Issue -Un Petit Update, Pour Nos Chers Insurgés

Mon cher monde sauvage, The whirlwind of ink, thoughts, et ferocious wildness pouring into the P.O. box these past two months has been an absolute délice. Each time it is unlocked, there’s a flood of anarchists et wild things—sending their stories, zines, sketches, photographs, their books, their amour fou. Tokens of love and madness. Physical […]

Halloween 2024 issue of Distinctively Dionysian, available

Bonsoir, lovelies. Yesterday, on Max Stirner’s birthday, we finished printing the first round of Distinctively Dionysian’s Halloween issue. Inside the spooker edition, you will find mischief, mayhem, the macabre, Mallarmé, German Expressionist Cinema et Theatre, and a riot of Cabaret magic, with new writings, anarchic troublemaking, and more. The Halloween issue, with its fluorescent orange […]