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Category Archives: Wolfi Landstreicher

Risograph tune up, new pocketbook sized zines & the Other Luigi ;)

Bonsoir, Ami’s. New Year, new trouble making.  The risograph that brought you Enemy Combatant Publications is all tuned up with fresh new ink… just in time for the new year. 🎉 Care to contribute your thoughts on the CEO Adjuster? You can physically mail in your writing OR email bacchus editions (or dionysian). We are […]

Halloween 2024 issue of Distinctively Dionysian, available

Bonsoir, lovelies. Yesterday, on Max Stirner’s birthday, we finished printing the first round of Distinctively Dionysian’s Halloween issue. Inside the spooker edition, you will find mischief, mayhem, the macabre, Mallarmé, German Expressionist Cinema et Theatre, and a riot of Cabaret magic, with new writings, anarchic troublemaking, and more. The Halloween issue, with its fluorescent orange […]