Bonsoir, lovelies. Yesterday, on Max Stirner’s birthday, we finished printing the first round of Distinctively Dionysian’s Halloween issue. Inside the spooker edition, you will find mischief, mayhem, the macabre, Mallarmé, German Expressionist Cinema et Theatre, and a riot of Cabaret magic, with new writings, anarchic troublemaking, and more. The Halloween issue, with its fluorescent orange cover, was much too fun to create and lay out. It is one of our favorites, indeed.
As always, if in USA send $15 per issue—or trade on the principle of mutuality, et we’ll exchange. If outside of the US, factor the shipping cost yourself for a thick booklet) & send $15 per issue with shipping fee included, to: Distinctively Dionysian c/o Fiona, PO BOX 1332, Astoria, Oregon, USA, 97103 Larger packages should be sent to: Distinctively Dionysian, 750 Commercial St. Box #1332, Astoria, OR, 97103
For our subscribers who have prepaid for several issues, your latest playful issue is on the way!
Have a devilishly mischievous Halloween, darkling ones
XXOO Yours, Egoistically
~ Fíona